This deadly disease is spreading fast in Australia due to wet warm conditions and proximity to pigs and birds.
The disease is transferred to humans by mosquitoes, and actor and star of Black Comedy Aaron Fa’Aso is spearheading a campaign to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in at risk areas to understand how best to fight back.
SWAT stands for Screens – stops mozzies getting through doors and windows; Wear clothes with long sleeves especially at dusk; Apply repellent that contains DEET, Picaridan or oil of lemon eucalyptus; Tip out dirty water where mozzies breed.
Aaron has seen people in the Torres Strait succumb to this insidious disease and he says that if you are in a risk area to consider getting vaccinated as there is a vaccine available for Japanese Encephalitis
Image: Image: Supplied
Produced By: Roderick Chambers
Featured In Story: Aaron Fa’Aso – Actor
First aired on The Wire, Tuesday 21 February 2023